So I thought I had better start on the Crafter and get something done.

The first job was to take everything out and decide what could be reused.  So I started with the box behind the seats amazingly it had been put together with cross head screws AND star head screws?? Not only that some of the screws were long  some like 4 inches long.  I did wonder how they had not come out the bottom of the van.
This was the same through out the removal of the old units in the van. 
I am going to take lots of photos all the way through this conversion so sometimes it might be a little boring for you the reader but I really want to remember what it was like when I first bought the van and when during the build I get a bit down because it seems like I have done nothing I can look and see what I have achieved.


Some of the bits that you can see in the photos prove why doing you own build is such a good thing just look at what I have exposed in one afternoon.  I think some people just settle for the easiest fix and be done with it.  Just zoom in on the picture above the amount of sawdust was quite shocking in an area where you would be sleeping and eating and the image below the catch behind the flap.
Some of the 12v wiring was just 2 expose bits of wire wrapped around each other and taped.  It certainly doesn’t give me any confidence with the 240 installation so I am going to remove that too and start from scratch.

That’s me hard at work 

The amount of material that has come out of the van, hard to believe really.
An empty van The next job is to remove the panels and see what is underneath in terms of sound proofing and insulation and to remove the tongue and groove from the ceiling. 

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