Well its been a very strange time, I really don’t think anyone could have ever thought something like this was going to happen, mind you I bet our grand-parents and great grand-parents never thought they would have seen world wars. Yes I know this can’t really be compared to a world war but it certainly has cause some strange rants from people. We all have our own ideas but I think some of us just can’t cope with having to do as we are told for the good of everyone.

I personally was just about to go on holiday to Indonesia when this all started to happen and I remember saying to work colleagues “its only a version of the flu ….we’ll be fine”. Well how wrong I was and now we all know people who have been effected by this pandemic.

Going back to my personal experience. As I said we were just about to going on holiday, I think we were about 4 days from flying when we heard that the Indonesian border would be closed to foreigners. “Ok” we thought that won’t be a problem lets just delay our trip till the summer. How wrong were we. We we booked our flights with a company called “Go to Gate” everything had been smooth until the flights were cancelled. They initially emailed me and asked if I wanted a credit so I could have my flight later. I thought that was perfectly fine as I was going to go in the summer. Well recently I have realise that I won’t be going to next March at the earliest if I am very lucky. So I thought I would contact them and rearrange my flights.

That’s really when I started to realise there was going to be a problem. The only time I could get anyone to answer was just after 9 am if I left it till 10 am the phone would just ring, but even getting through at 9 am was no good , this chap would answer the phone and we would go through the same list of questions till he go to the point where he would say “I have to transfer you to my friend” well I don’t think he actually had a friend because he never answered the phone it just rang and rang until I would eventually give up, maybe that’s what they are hoping.

My fights however were with Singapore Airlines and I managed to find a UK number that got me through to someone straight away every time, but as yet they can’t help me either as that chaps friend doesn’t want to answer their calls either. At least its not just me?? Getting close to calling my credit card company now. Moral of this story deal direct.

The day we moved in
So what else has been happening in this 120 day or period I here you ask well I have become a DIYer again much to my wife’s delight, with her and one of my son’s we have built some decking. It had been glorious weather and every night we would site outside in our back garden talking about what we could do to make it more inviting as we were going to be spending a lot more time here from what we could see. So we set about drawing up a design on a scrap of paper, worked out what we thought we needed and placed an online order. Remember you couldn’t go into shops at this time.


Well the deliver was to arrive on the following Tuesday all excited at the thought of our new garden we set about digging for all of the uprights to go in. Tuesday came and we waited and we waited, but nothing arrived so we phoned them and yes you guessed it no body had seen any order. So after a very long phone call it was arranged for the next Tuesday. Well the Monday before is when the weather started to change and it seems to have been like it ever since. Still there was plenty of dry period which was enough for us to get the decking down. We even bought a load of flowers to make it even more appealing. I think you will agree its starting to look a little better.
Getting more like a place we like to be.

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