It’s funny how some days work out.  Today we had decided to do a car boot sale to sell camping and car bits that were surplus to our requirements.  There is normally one near us so we thought we do this on the Sunday afternoon so we got everything ready and loaded into the van on Saturday.  Well Vee noticed that the car boot sale was not going to happen because it was too hot.  Not to worry we found another one so we thought we would do that one instead only issue we had to be there for 7:30am on a Sunday.

Well we got up very reluctantly if i am honest, and off we went only to get there to find that it too wasn’t happening , but a lady told us there was another close by so off we went.  We were the last people to be allowed in, that’s how busy they were.  Well by 10:30 we had sold everything we were going to sell so we headed home, on the way I realized it was the MegaRide weekend. So when we got home.

I grabbed a camera and we headed out in Vee’s beetle and decided that we would initially park in a lay-by on the A38 to watch all the bike going past.  The bikes leave from Lee Mill so we went to Plympton and waited on the Plymouth bound side.  My camera battery was low so I plugged it into the car USB to get some charge but the cars ignition needs to be left on to allow it to charge.

Well the bikes came and there were hundreds of them I am not just how many but I would imagine there must have been at least 800 to 1000. It was amazing to watch.

I was stood on the seat videoing them as they went past thinking nothing of the car ignition being left on. Well before the bikes finished going by I said to Vee lets drive with them to the Hoe now and I will get some great footage.  We you may have already guessed what happened next, yes we had a flat battery.  So we have AA cover, not to worry we will call them, after probably 20 minutes they finally answer, to tell us it will be a minimum of an hour before someone can get to us.  Oh well its our fault we will have to wait.  But that’s when the true VeeDub ownership shone another beetle owner saw us and turned  around at the next junction and came to see if we were OK that really is what owning a VW is all about very similar to bikers.

Well they weren’t able to do anything as they didn’t have any jump leads and nor did we. So after thanking them we said our goodbyes and waited then I said to Vee lets just try one more time and would you believe it,it started.

So we headed to Plymouth Hoe we were probably an hour behind but there were lots of bike still there many of the bikers stay till the end of the day.  This gave us a chance to have a look at the bikes.  Now I personally have an era that I favor and that’s bikes from the 70’s through to the late 80’s I have had a few in my time so I naturally always get a little more nostalgic when I see bike from this era.

We had a great day looking at all the bikes and talking to people I hadn’t seen in a long time and we finished the afternoon off almost buying an electric bike to go on the back of our next camper.  You will have to wait to see what happens there.

Just thought I would include a photo of my 1985 GPz750 wish I still had this one.