I wanted to respray my VW Crafter because it had lots of little rust spots and dents. I spoke to a couple companies and they all told me I would be looking at £2k minimum to get a respray and more likely nearer to the region of £3.5k. Well that was too much, I had heard about people using fence panel sprayers with some success.

So I bought one from Screwfix a ERBAUER ERB561SRG 700W https://www.screwfix.com/p/erbauer-erb561srg-700w-electric-hvlp-spray-gun-220-240v/11628. I wanted a military look to the van as I have plans on making it look more rugged, a process I am still going through.

I bought the paint from Arcrite https://www.arc-rite.co.uk/ I then set about preparing the van I used a Black and Decker Mouse ( I already had this) and lots of wet and dry, rust treatment and primer.

A few people thought I was mad when I started but as you can see I think it has turned out really well. Sadly I was rear-ended not very long after doing this but I have just got a new rear door and I am waiting for the weather to improve so I can paint it.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKRaQsf4lLE]

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