Well I suppose it had to happen someone liked my Crafter as much as me, and bought it from me. This year we didn’t really get to use it as much as we would have liked. I think we only got out in it to camp maybe 3 or 4 times.

The Last time we camped in the Crafter

So we decided that we wanted to got a new route and I guess watching my brother camping this year gave us the idea. We have bought an Eriba Triton caravan and a VW Caddy with the idea that one nighters could be done in the Caddy and longer camps with the Eriba.

The Caddy will be another project as at the moment it is just a Carpenters van, a very nice looking one but it is just a van. I don’t think I will do nearly as much as I did on the Crafter this will be more of a day van with the ability to sleep in.

Of course there is one last sale in all of this, my MK4 Golf has been sold, I took a deposit for him on Tuesday. I say him because the garage decided he was a Nigel. Nigel has been in the family almost 9 years and we will really miss that car we have had lots of adventures in him and he was the instigator to us camping.

So it has all been changing at Footsteps & Tyretracks home. We also managed to get a trip to Rhodes, but I will write about that a little later as I still have the video to put together.

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